Agro Processing Projects

Agriculture is the cornerstone of economy of most developing countries. Vast resources of fruits, vegetables, flowers and seeds offer numerous possibilities of processing these into useful products for human consumption and additional income generation.

Angelique focuses on projects for processing of following:

  • Fruits & Vegetable
  • Staple Food – Rice, Maize & Cassava
  • Dairy (Milk)
  • Sugar
  • Cashew

We set up projects for processing these – batch production as well as continuous production plants.


Fruits & Vegetable

We set up plants for processing of following various fruits and vegetables with capacities ranging from 1 TPD to 500 TPD

  • Tomato
  • Fruits viz Mango, Orange, Pineapple


Tomato processing plant can produce –

  • Tomato Puree
  • Tomato Paste
  • Tomato Ketchup
  • Tomato Juice

Plant includes automatic tomato feeding and washing line, juice extraction line and evaporator for concentration, ketchup manufacturing line and fully automatic bottling line. Packing lines can be in bottles, drums, cans, pouches etc. to suit customer's requirements.

Generally plant has flexibility to produce ketchup from fresh tomato in the season and from paste in the rest of the months.


Production of Mango, Orange, Pineapple juices and value-added products including jams, jellies, pickles, canned products etc. has become a commercial success. We offer latest technology for juice extraction, concentration of juices, canning and production of several of the products like jams, jellies, canned fruits etc.

Angelique undertakes establishment of large scale exported oriented units for production of items like concentrates of various fruit juices, sorting, cleaning, washing, waxing and packaging of raw fruits and vegetables.

Staple Food – Rice, Maize & Cassava


Rice is the staple food of more than half of the world's population. Because it is very energetic food, rice does of course have a high nutritional value. Rice is normally consumed in following forms:

  • White Rice
  • Parboiled Rice
  • Brown Rice

When rice is harvested it has a non edible husk (Hull) surrounding the kernel. At rice mill, all stalks and foreign matter are removed from rough rice using specialized machinery. The basic goal of rice milling is to transform paddy rice into white rice and selecting the best quality grain for human consumption.

The rice processing generally involves following sequence:


White Rice

Production of White Rice involves following manufacturing process.

Cleaning - removes foreign objects such as hay, stone, tree stump etc from paddy

Hulling – rubs excessive husks off cleaned paddy. On removed the brown rice is separated from the husks through ventilation process and mechanical equipment leaving pure brown rice available for milling

Milling – removes the bran layer from brown rice. The abrasion and friction gently and efficiently converts brown rice to milled white kernels. The rice bran gives by-product edible oil.

Polishing – is brightening the rice grain by a roll or series of roll.

Grading – separates milled rice in different parts viz. whole grain, head rice, broken rice by a sieve grader

Sorting – removes rice defects such as discolorations, yellow, immatures greens, chalky, red rice, glass, stones etc.

Packaging – in individual bags according to grade

Parboiled Rice

Parboiled rice is produced using a steam pressure process prior to milling. Rice is parboiled in a hull, which softens the kernel, allowing the surface starch, bran and other components to commingle. The water is drained and rice is carefully steam dried. The dried parboiled rice is sent through machines which remove the hull and polish the kernels.

Brown Rice

The rough rice is passed through Sheller machines, which remove the hull, producing brown rice with the bran layers still intact around the kernel.

Maize & Cassava

Angelique undertakes similar projects on other staple food items like Maize and Cassava also.


Maize is widely cultivated throughout the world, and a greater weight of maize is produced each year than any other grain.

Maize and cornmeal (ground dried maize) constitute a staple food in many regions of the world and today maize has become Africa's most important staple food crop. Maize is a major source of starch.

Maize is known in many English-speaking countries as corn or mielie/mealie. The leafy stalk produces ears which contain seeds called kernels. Though technically a grain, maize kernels are used in cooking as a vegetable or starch.


No continent depends as much on Cassava in feeding its population as does Africa. In the humid and sub humid areas of tropical Africa, it is a primary staple food. Cassava roots are very rich in starch, and contain significant amounts of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin C. However they are poor in protein and other nutrients. In contrast, cassava leaves are a good source of protein. Cassava is the third-largest source of carbohydrates for meals in the world.

The cassava plant gives the highest yield of food energy per cultivated area per day among crop plants.


Milk is considered as one of the most valuable protein food. It is available in various forms and processed into a variety of nutritious products viz. butter, cream, toned milk, skimmed milk, yoghurt, milk powder, baby food, condensed milk, ghee etc. Milk is an essential ingredient and every household uses milk and milk products in daily cooking.

Milk Products    
Pasteurized Milk Condensed Milk Ghee
Butter Yoghurt Milk Powder
Baby Food Cream Evaporated Milk

Pasteurized Milk

Milk from milk tankers is received in a dump tank and is then chilled to 4oC. The chilled milk is then pasteurized in a plate heat exchanger and then transferred to cream separator if there is requirement to manufacture butter, cream and skimmed milk otherwise pasteurized milk is sent for packing in pouches of ½ Kg or 1 Kg.

The various grades of pasteurized milk based on fat content are:

  • Skimmed Milk (0.5% Max)
  • Double Toned Milk (1.5%)
  • Toned Milk (3%)
  • Full Cream Milk (6%)

Milk Powder

Dry Milk Powder increases the shelf life of milk. It also reduces the weight and transportation costs. In the milk the solids and moisture varies as follows depending on type of milk:

  • Initial Solids – 7.5% to 12%
  • Final Moisture – 2.5% to 4%

Since drying is an energy intensive process – Multistage Evaporators, Spray Driers and Fluid bed dryers are used to make it energy efficient.

In Multistage Evaporator the milk is concentrated up to 48%. In Spray drying the excess water present in free form between the particles of dry solids get evaporated easily. The last stage of evaporation requires more energy as water contained in pores and capillaries of the solid

particles need to be evaporated. The last water is removed in Vibro Fluid Bed Dryer. This produces powder with extremely good solubility and hence called instant powder.


Sugar is widely used as a sweetening agent for beverages, foods, sweets, carbonated drinks and also for preservation purpose in variety of applications both in domestic and industrial use. Sugar industry is one of the major industries in any developing economy and contributes in a big way towards its development.

Sugar is generally produced from sugar cane or sugar beet.

Cane sugar is mostly produced in countries with warm climates viz. Brazil, India, China, United States, Latin America and Australia.

Beet sugar is produced in regions with comparatively cooler climates viz. Japan, Europe and some parts of United States.

However commercial sugar is most popularly produced from Cane sugar and Brazil is largest producer of Cane sugar in the world.

Sugar from Sugar Cane

Sugarcane received from the fields is cut and prepared before crushing in a series of the cane mills and cane juice in extracted. The raw juice is heated in tubular juice heaters. Milk of lime is mixed with heated raw juice in a continuous reaction vessel called "Juice Sulphitor" in two stages for clarification. The limed juice in neutralized with SO2 gas. The sulphited juice is further heated in a tubular heater and sent to a continuous clarifier for separation of clear juice from mud.

Clear juice is boiled and concentrated in evaporators to form concentrated juice called syrup. The syrup is sulphited with SO2 gas in a continuous reaction vessel called "Syrup Sulphitor". Sulphur is used for removal of further colour and impurities. The sulphited syrup is sent to vacuum pans where it is boiled under vacuum for crystallization. The massecuite is normally doubly cured in centrifugal machines and bagged after gradation.

The bye product molasses from centrifugal machines is stored for use in making alcohol products.

"Raw sugar" comprise yellow to brown sugar with minimal chemical processing. Mill white sugar (crystal sugar) consists of raw sugar where the production process does not remove coloured impurities but rather bleaches them white. However this form of sugar does not store or ship well and after a few weeks its impurities tend to promote discoloration and clumping.

"Blanco Directo" – a white sugar common in India and other South Asian countries is produced by precipitating many impurities out of the cane juice by phosphatation – a treatment with Phosphoric acid and Calcium Hydroxide similar to carbonation technique. In terms of sucrose purity, Blanco Directo is more pure than Mill White but less pure than white refined sugar.

"White Refined Sugar" is made by dissolving raw sugar and purifying it with phosphoric acid method similar to that used for Blanco Directo by various filtration strategies. It is then further decolorized by filtration through bed of activated carbon or bone char depending on where the processing takes place. White refined sugar is typically sold in the form of sugar cubes.

Sugar Plants offered by Angelique

Angelique undertakes to set up Sugar projects ranging from 1,000 TCD to 15,000 TCD and also carries out rehabilitation, modernization and expansion of existing sugar mills.

The engineering skills of Angelique and backed by skilled professionals from Sugar industry having more than 40 years of experience in sugar technology, cane milling techniques and plant management; there by offer following:

Cane Milling from 24" x 48" to 45" x 90" size

Process house for sugar plants up to 15,000 TCD capacity to produce

  • raw sugar
  • plantation white sugar
  • direct white sugar
  • refined sugar

Process house equipment

  • Juice heaters
  • Evaporators (Tubular/Falling Film)
  • Vacuum pans (Batch type/Continuous type)
  • Juice and syrup sulphitors
  • Vertical crystallizers
  • Centrifugal machines (Batch type/Continuous type)
  • Sugar house equipment

Steam generation up to 120 tons/hr

  • Bagasse
  • Multi fuel boilers

Power generation

  • Turbo generator sets for captive power
  • Diesel Generating sets for standby power
  • Electrification of sugar plants
  • Co-generation (export of surplus power)

Plant automation of

  • Milling section including cane feeding
  • Process house
  • Boilers (SLPC, DCS or SCADA)


Cashew tree is grown in Brazil, Guinea Bissau, Cote d'Ivoire, Mozambique, India etc. India is the largest producer and export of cashew kernels in the world.

Cashew fruit consists of Cashew nut clinging on to the Cashew apple. Cashew fruit is unique in the sense that the nut is outside the fruit. The Apple and Nut fall together when both are ripe.

Cashew kernel is probably the most versatile of all the nuts as it is rich in nutrients. Cashew kernel is obtained from raw cashew nut which is about 1.5 inch long and kidney shaped. Its shell is 1/8" thick. Between the walls of the shell is a honeycomb structure that contains the phenolic material known as Cashew Nut Shell Liquid. The Cashew kernel is wrapped in a thin brown skin known as testa, which contains tannin and is used as cattle feed.

Major products generated from cashew fruit are:

  • Cashew Kernels
  • Cashew Nut Shell Liquid (CNSL)
  • Cashew Liquor

The processing of Cashew Nut involves following steps and processes:

  • Raw cashew processing, drying and storage
  • Steam cooking
  • Shelling
  • During and humidification
  • Peeling
  • Grading
  • Conditioning and packaging

Cashew processing is a labour intensive industry. We provide training of manpower in India and at project site. The plant capacities are generally in range of 2 TPD – 20 TPD.